September 13th - October 6th 2017
Portrait - Autoportrait
Galerie des Patriarches
Paris 75005
April 7th - May 14th 2016
Solo Exhibition galerie Hélène Nougaro
Paris 75005.
June 23rd - 30th 2014
OBSESSION, Love, Ritual and Collection
Embassy Tea Gallery
L'Autre Musique Laboratoire - LAM
New Writing Of Sound And Music
Barbara Bianchi/Hutch Demouilpied. Planktontonique 2013.
February 26th - 28th 2014
Blair Zaye in association with Moderna Art and West Creative
"Open Wall" at Façade - London Wall
Façade 59 London Wall, City Of London,
London EC2M 5TR
January 18th 2014
Oval Space Bethnal Green
October 27th - 28th
ASC Open Studios 2013
London SE1
May 29th - 03rd June 2012
Space For Art, Space for Mind
Ancient treasures of thibetan buddhism and contemporary responses
Vauxhall, London
November 25th - 26th
ASC Open Studios 2011
London SE1
October 14th - 17th.
ASC Open Studios 2010
London SE1
October 14th - 1st November 2009 James Taylor Gallery (JT Project 2009 - Five years gallery)
Performance on the 29th,
Ashes of the Night by A. Fondard, after the triptych Are you afraid of silence in painting?
Hackney, London
October 21st 2009 Catastrophisme écologique : du fatras du pinceau au tracas de la pensée. (exhibition/conference) en collaboration avec Olivia Bianchi, philosophe.
Les Compagnons de la Nuit (La Moquette)
Aug. 18th - Sept. 3th 2009 Subversive Correspondence*2 (group show)
Exhibition curated by Diana Ali
The Gallery at Willesden Green
July 17th - Aug. 5th 2009 Turn-Berlin Gallery (group show)
Josetti Höfe
July 2009 Subversive Correspondence (group show)
Exhibition curated by Diana Ali
May 2008 The Painter and his Whore:
Desire of Exhibition
Curator of the exhibition at the Old Cholmeley Boys Club,
Dalston Kingland, London
December 2006 Peace camp (Group show)
The Brick Lane Gallery
April 2005 Onzième salon des artistes européens
Espace Château Landon, Mairie de Paris
Jun. 18th /Jul. 18th 2004 La Haine du pauvre (solo exhibition)
Commissioned by the French Association VOZT
Cité industrielle de Vincennes
Cover book
La métaphysique bergonienne de l'intériorité
Se créer ou se perdre
Dimitri Tellier
L'Harmattan, Paris, 2012.
La Haine du Pauvre
Olivia Bianchi, philosopher
Illustration: Barbara Bianchi
L'Harmattan, Paris, 2005
Sculptures de Mémoires
Etude de 10 monuments de la guerre 14-18 par Patrice Alexandre
Conseil régional de la Marne, 2001​